martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012

Anonymous le Declara la Guerra a España.

El Colectivo Anonymous Apoyo la Toma del Congreso en España, dejo fuera de servicio a La pagina de la Policia: con ataques de Denegacion de Servicios. "DDoS".

Anonymous lanzo un comunicado en donde se menciona apoyara al Pueblo de Madrid España por la Toma del congreso, asta que las demandas que el Pueblo de #Madrid demanda asi como España.

Texto del comunicado
"Greetings World --
Anonymous sends it's solidarity to our brothers and sisters in Spain who at this very moment have completely surrounded the Parliament Building in Madrid. The are calling for the resignation of a government that like so many in our world today has failed to serve the needs of it's people. We encourage our comrades in Spain to remain steadfast until their demands are met, and we promise to do all we can to assist them.
Anonymous watched on the independent livestreams the horrendous brutality on the part of the Spanish National Police. It is always intolerable to us, but it is especially deplorable when we witness this level of senseless violence used against peaceful protesters in a supposedly western and modern "democracy". In response to this wanton violence by the Spanish National Police against our brothers and sisters in Madrid, Anonymous has removed from the Internet the web site of the Spanish National Police located at - and we will keep it offline so long as we continue to watch scenes of brutality.
Beginning tomorrow, Anonymous will also begin an attack on the primary website of the Parliament of Spain located at - this attack will include not only DdoS and hacking, but also Black Fax & E-Mail bombs - effectively removing the Parliament of Spain from the Internet entirely.
We Are Anonymous
We Are Everywhere
We Are Legion
We Do Not Forgive
We Do Not Forget
Government of Spain, it's to late to Expect Us."

A travez de diversas cuentas en Twitter de miembros del Colectivo de Hackers Auto denominado Anonymous menciono Le declara la Guerra a España con la Operacion #OpSpain,

"Anonymous también comenzará un ataque contra el sitio web principal de las Cortes de
España situada en"


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Estrategia e imagen: Raúl Martínez Jiménez
Jefa de Redacción: María López H.
Dirección General: Juan Carlos Hernández.

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